From Parliament of Victoria: Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Overtaking Bicycles) Bill 2015, submissions open to April 2016
Have Your Say – Call for Submissions: The Economy and Infrastructure Committee is considering new legislation requiring drivers to be at least 1-1.5 metres from bicycles when overtaking them. The Committee is calling for written submissions to be lodged with the Committee by 1 April 2016.
All submissions are public documents unless confidentiality is requested and granted by the Committee.
A guide to making submissions is available for download Making a written submission to a parliamentary committee (PDF, 1.07 Mb)
Please send in submissions by Friday 1 April 2016. Hard copy submissions can be sent to:
The Secretary
Economy and Infrastructure Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street
Electronic submissions can be sent by email to or submitted using the eSubmissions form. Once received and processed by the Committee, public submissions will be available for download here.
- Victorian Bills: Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Overtaking Bicycles) Bill 2015
- Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda: Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Overtaking Bicycles) Bill 2015
Bicycle Network: Passing distance laws inquiry
Following the announcement of a Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry, we’re calling on our members, friends and the wider bike riding community to help formulate our policy passing distance laws.
Passing distance laws—we’re all ears
Following Queensland, South Australia, ACT and the most recent trial in New South Wales, the Victorian Parliament’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee has announced an inquiry into passing distance laws. Our timeline is short with the submission for the parliamentary inquiry due on Friday 1 April.
Samantha Dunn MP: A Metre Matters – Community Submissions
The safer our roads are, the more people will get on their bikes. The Greens encourage people of all ages to get on their bikes and enjoy the health and well-being benefits of gentle outdoor exercise every day. Cycling is great way to reduce the pressure on our overcrowded roads and public transport.
Since entering the Victorian Parliament, Greens MP Samantha Dunn’s first priority was to introduce new minimum passing distance laws. Under the Greens proposal, motor vehicles overtaking a bicycle rider will leave:
- A minimum 1 metre buffer on roads with a speed limit of up to 60 km/h
- A minimum 1.5 metre buffer on roads with a faster speed limit.
The new laws will take the guess-work out of calculating a safe passing distance, so everyone can share the road. They also change the road rules to make it easier for cars to overtake, so that slower bike riders won’t hold up traffic.
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