Category Yarra City Council

Walmer Street Bridge reopens

Just in time for Christmas, the Walmer Street Bridge has reopened after an lengthly closure as the north and south land bridges were reconstructured. However, the original narrow bridge remains in-situ as it was heritage listed in 2021, despite calls… Continue Reading →

Gipps Street bike lanes improvements

Yarra City Council recently completed construction at Gipps Street with improvements to on-road green lane marking and protected intersection treatments at Hoddle Street heading east and Wellington Street heading west. Thank you to Streets Alive Yarra for this simple yet… Continue Reading →

Canning & Richardson Street intersection: background to works in Carlton North

Update May 2021: Streets Alive Yarra: Intersection complete at Canning and Richardson: Guest article from local champion, Marcus Coghlan. After approximately two months of work the newly styled and safer intersection is in place at Canning and Richardson Streets. Funded… Continue Reading →

City of Yarra election: 2020 Candidate Questionnaire

Update: candidate responses currently being added to this page Victorian Electoral Commission: Yarra City Council, includes voting, enrolment, nomination and important dates information Please note only three Yarra Councillors are re-standing at this 2020 election, Amanda Stone, Bridgid O’Brien and… Continue Reading →

Making Space in Yarra

You may of seen discussions about Yarra City Council meeting on 23 June 2020 and their COVID19 response, here’s where you can get involved and receive updates Background June 2020: Streets Alive Yarra: COVID-19 Response Trials 8 June 2020: YarraBUG… Continue Reading →

Trialling a safer Elizabeth Street

Elizabeth Street between Church Street to Hoddle is getting a protected bike lane trial and the build is due to start on Monday 22 June and is expected to take no more than four weeks. To maintain all access for… Continue Reading →

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