Category News

Groundswell of support for City of Melbourne protected bicycle infrastructure

If you have been following City of Melbourne cycling infrastructure issues please scroll down for a nuanced update from Councillor Rohan Leppert detailing processes surrounding item 6. 9 in City of Melbourne meeting agenda from Tuesday 7 June 2022. Contrary… Continue Reading →

Moving Forward: Yarra Council Draft Transport Strategy 2022

Yarra’s draft Transport Strategy is open for feedback to 11 April 2022, at Your Say Yarra, you can fill in a brief survey, download the 51 page strategy, subscribe for updates and provide detailed feedback prior to the draft being… Continue Reading →

Pop-up bike lanes: Brunswick Street southbound to Victoria Parade

The new southbound Brunswick Street to Victoria Parade pop-up lanes are part of the Brunswick Street Part Time Tram Lane (PTTL) Enhancement Project VicRoads: Notice to residents and business owners in the area (June 2021) VicRoads: Notice to residents and… Continue Reading →

Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio: 3CR Radiothon 2021!

Celebrate everything you love about riding your bike by making a donation to keep 3CR Community Radio and the Yarra BUG Radio show on the air for another year and all donations over $2 are tax-deductible! For over ten years… Continue Reading →

#BikeIsBest – The Best Tool For The Job

From the UK: “nearly 60% of car journeys are under 5 miles. There’s a better tool for the job. For short journeys, #BikeIsBest. Find out everything you need to get started:“ Could add a couple of Australian-themed dad jokes… Continue Reading →

Canning & Richardson Street intersection: background to works in Carlton North

Update May 2021: Streets Alive Yarra: Intersection complete at Canning and Richardson: Guest article from local champion, Marcus Coghlan. After approximately two months of work the newly styled and safer intersection is in place at Canning and Richardson Streets. Funded… Continue Reading →

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