Yarra Bicycle Users Group

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Cycling in Melbourne – A Tourist’s Perspective

“Melbourne isn’t perfect. There are many pieces of cycling infrastructure that need much improvement, but its attitude to becoming a walkable and bikeable city is definitely commendable and inspiring!” Check out the progressive changes to Napier Street, modal filters and… Continue Reading →

Walmer Street Bridge update

Please note that Boroondara Councils work planned to begin in late August 2022 is the northern land bridge section. Boroondara Council: Walmer Street Bridge Construction: We are replacing the northern land bridge section of the Walmer Street Bridge in Kew…. Continue Reading →

Gipps Street bike lanes improvements

Yarra City Council recently completed construction at Gipps Street with improvements to on-road green lane marking and protected intersection treatments at Hoddle Street heading east and Wellington Street heading west. Thank you to Streets Alive Yarra for this simple yet… Continue Reading →

Groundswell of support for City of Melbourne protected bicycle infrastructure

If you have been following City of Melbourne cycling infrastructure issues please scroll down for a nuanced update from Councillor Rohan Leppert detailing processes surrounding item 6. 9 in City of Melbourne meeting agenda from Tuesday 7 June 2022. Contrary… Continue Reading →

3CR 2022 Radiothon

July 2022 update: we achieved 154% of our 3CR radiothon target thanks to our magnificent listeners, our program target was $1300 and YOU donated over $2000 to help keep us & 3CR on air. Thank you all so much! It’s… Continue Reading →

Moving Forward: Yarra Council Draft Transport Strategy 2022

Yarra’s draft Transport Strategy is open for feedback to 11 April 2022, at Your Say Yarra, you can fill in a brief survey, download the 51 page strategy, subscribe for updates and provide detailed feedback prior to the draft being… Continue Reading →

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