Category YarraBUG Radio

Make cycling safe. Make your mark on BikeSpot

BikeSpot is an interactive map that allows every Australian to say where they feel safe or unsafe while riding their bike. Wherever you are in Australia, we want you to add your spot to the BikeSpot map. Research has also… Continue Reading →

3CR Radiothon: Stay tuned, stay radical

July 2023 update: Thank you everyone, we made over our 3CR target again! June 2023 is Radiothon time at 3CR and Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio needs your support! Celebrate everything you love about riding your bike and supporting active… Continue Reading →

3CR 2022 Radiothon

July 2022 update: we achieved 154% of our 3CR radiothon target thanks to our magnificent listeners, our program target was $1300 and YOU donated over $2000 to help keep us & 3CR on air. Thank you all so much! It’s… Continue Reading →

Join the Walmer Street Bridge Coalition!

We commenced our Walmer Street Bridge Coalition campaign on Sunday 3rd June 2018, the first World Bicycle Day declared by United Nations, to lobby for a new, fit-for-purpose connection built for all users across the Yarra River from Abbotsford to Kew…. Continue Reading →

Fight For Your Mic: support YarraBUG Radio during 3CR Radiothon 2018

Celebrate everything you love about riding your bike by making a donation to keep 3CR Community Radio and the Yarra BUG Radio Show on the air for another year! Donate here >>> Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR? – Supporting… Continue Reading →

Missing Darebin Yarra link to be finally completed

The Age: Cycle network’s missing link will finally be built Adam Carey Transport Reporter for The Age (February 29, 2016) The last, stubborn obstacle to filling one of the biggest gaps in Melbourne’s network of bike trails has been overcome, with… Continue Reading →

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